Lawn Rite

Lawn Rite - The Beginning of a New Lifestyle & Business

If you're looking into a Lawn Rite franchise its safe to assume you have looked at many other lawn mowing franchise opportunities and you may be asking what makes Lawn Rite different or special above the competition? What makes Lawn Rite the right choice for you or anyone else looking for a lawn mowing franchise is Lawn Rite specialises in targeting commercial and contracted lawn mowing clients. This is not to say we don't do residential as we do but we try and get all of our franchisees to have at least 25% of all there work coming from commercial clients. Also, at Lawn Rite we have comprehensive and on-going training programs to ensure all of our franchisees use and are trained in the latest equipment and the safest way to use the equipment.

At Lawn Rite we pride ourselves in having one of if not the highest levels of customer service in the industry. This allows our franchisees to sell their services on quality and not price. This means our franchisees are getting paid top dollar for their work and the clients are receiving a quality of service above and beyond what they were expecting.

The process of joining the Lawn Rite team and taking control of your life back is as easy as just 7 easy steps.

Step 1: Register here to get The Franchise Information Pack.
Step 2: Book a time to have a personal one-on-one consultation over a coffee with the franchiser.
Step 3: Spend a day with a Lawn Rite Mowing franchise.
Step 4: Meet with the franchiser around some business options.
Step 5: Open company with company's office, police check, bank account.
Step 6: Franchise documents issued on the business you wish to purchase.
Step 7: Complete your comprehensive training course.
Step 8: Start your business and building your business.

Let's Get Started

If you're interested in taking back your life and becoming a Lawn Rite franchisee than give us a call on 0800101216 and one of our amazing staff will help you with your enquiry.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why join Lawn Rite?
    Starting any business is a significant decision and there is always risk involved. We do not promise that you’ll get rich fast. On the contrary, this is a real business that requires real work. But if you put in the effort, the rewards can be outstanding. To help, you have the support of the founder Troy Hillard and over 200 franchisees in The Rite Group that have done what you are hoping to do. While your success is not guaranteed, you will be part of an amazing group of franchisees that provide the highest level of service to their clients and where people join together to find success.
  • How long does it take to earn back my investment?
    Most Lawn Rite franchise owners will earn back their investment within the first 3 to 6 months. Some have done so in as little as 2 months. One of the best and fastest ways to earn back your investment is by splitting your clients. Lawn Rite allows you to build up clients and split some off and sell them to existing franchise owners and often your franchiser will buy some back off you if you agree to give to new Lawn Rite franchise members. For those franchise owners who are good with sales this is a great way to make $10000 per split and some franchise owners can do this 2 or even 3 times a year all while servicing their own clients.
  • Why buy a franchise? I could start an independent lawn mowing business.
    You're not the first or the last to think of this. Its very common for someone to think of going it alone as well as purchasing a franchise and weighing up both options. However, when you look at the fact that 60% of all new businesses fail in their first year, and 96% of all Lawn Rite franchises succeed in their first year the choice is easy.

    When you go alone you will realise you will:
    • Have to pay top dollar for all of your equipment without the buying power of The Rite Group (probably worth tens of thousands of dollars in the set up stage alone).
    • Have to operate without any brand identity and spend years building trust in the marketplace.
    • Have limited earning potential without the expansion opportunities of The Rite Group.
    • Scrounge for customers from day one without the support of The Rite Group's marketing systems supplying ready-to-buy leads every week.
    • Rely on your own saving with no ‘Min Guarantee’ to see you through your start-up period.
    • Risk everything and your personal assets learning from mistakes on your own were we have already done all the hard work saving you having to make the same mistakes
    • Have nobody to call or to help when you have a problem or are down sick or injured. Lawn Rite has many franchisee's who are willing and ready to help each other when it's needed.
    • Probably earn a lot less money Lawn Rite Mowing Franchisees typically earn 15-35% more than independent mowing contractors.
    • You will have the costs of setting up all the business systems and Health & Safety systems, manuals and policy's on your own which is extremely costly.
  • How Long Does Training Take?
    Lawn Rite’s runs a 7 day intensive initial on the job training program which will cover all aspects of your franchise. After this you will have follow up training with your regional manager

    This will include:
    • Customer service
    • Sales
    • Lead Generation
    • Marketing
    • Operation Manual
    • Health & Safety
    • Techniques of mowing
    • Trade skills
    • On the job training module
  • Is there a turnover safety net in the beginning ?
    Yes, At Lawn Rite we operate at Safety Net system that will top up you earnings to the agreed upon safety net if you don't generate this amount of monthly income. To be eligible for this you must follow our initial lead generation program.
  • Will I get plenty of work?
    Yes, with the help of our marketing and lead generation systems you will get plenty of leads, Most franchises get on average 5 to 7 new leads every week. On average you would expect to convert 2 or 3 of these leads into a regular client each week. In the first 12 months we would expect you to build a client list of 50 to 80 regular clients that you service on a regular basis.
  • Do I need to tow a trailer for this business?
    No, While most franchises do operate out of a custom built trailer you can operate from a ute, van or truck. The primary vehicle you operate from will have to be sign written to the Lawn Rite standard's.
  • What franchise fee's will i have to pay?
    Franchise fee's are a crucial part of all franchise system's. Unlike most franchise systems we don't charge you a percentage of what you earn.

    At Lawn Rite we charge you a fixed flat weekly fee which also includes your advertising component, We also charge you a fee per lead we send you and this is charged at $8.50 per lead. Large scale commercial leads can be charged at a higher rate.
    With the in-depth training we provide you in your training you will in time become less and less reliant on the leads we send you and you can at anytime nominate not to be sent any leads which means no cost's.
  • Does work slow down in Winter?
    To put it simply NO. Work does not slow down the work you do does change slightly. In winter most lawns go from weekly and or bi weekly cuts to cut every 3 weeks so this free's up time. This allows you to to provide value added service's to your customers such as:
    • Weed spraying
    • Fertilising
    • Lawn renovations
    • Pruning
    • Weeding
    • Mulching
    • Tree Trimming
    • Rubbish Removal
  • Whats the earning potential of a Lawn Rite franchise?
    In 2018 the average revenue for a Lawn Rite franchise was $112,000 This meant some earned more, alot more. In fact the highest earning Lawn rite franchise generated $249,456 in revenue.
  • Whats the upfront cost to purchase a Lawn Rite franchise?
    There are many factors that can determine the cost of a Lawn rite franchise, but the starting point is $15000.00 plus GST and goes up from there.
  • Whats included when i invest in a Lawn Rite Franchise?
    The price includes:
    • New Trailer
    • Mower, Weed Eater, Blower, Hedger, Hand Tools, Gerry Cans
    • Uniforms
    • Stationary
    • Signage
    • Training
    • Manuals and systems

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