A Taranaki cleaning company is challenging people to find ways to help others.
They've started the challenge by giving a local charity's building a clean, free.
Anna and Nathan Pease, who own and operate Wash Rite Taranaki cleaned the St John facility on Regan street in Stratford, as a way of helping an organisation that helped their family last year.
"The ambulance took our then 1-year-old daughter Leah through to Base when she was struggling to breathe on Christmas Day."
Nathan says Leah's breathing issues were caused through asthma complications.
"We believe in being generous with our resources, and so we wanted to give back to an organisation which has helped us and many families in the community."
Nathan says the challenge was put on their business Facebook page to inspire people to look for opportunities where they can help others.
"Imagine if everyone did one little thing for someone else in the community with no strings attached. What a difference we would make."
Chairperson of St John Stratford Peter McDonald says St John Stratford is grateful for this.
"Wash Rite Taranaki has made the building look lovely. It is important to us that the building looks nice as it is currently on the market to help finance the new station that is being built."